Yummy Scents Make the Creating More Fun!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Accidental Dough Maker

Hi!  My name is Melissa and I'm an accident dough maker.  Here's my story and the story behind Love Bubs, your soon to be most loved play dough!

I have a very normal life.... I'm a wife, mother of 3 and a few days a week, I'm a school psychologist.  Trying to keep everyone happy, healthy and not destroying the house (or each other).  I like to throw in home cook, runner and wannabe photographer into the mix to keep up the insanity level.

How did you come to make play dough?

The story behind Love Bubs still surprises me.  Friends who haven't talked to me in a bit have no clue that this has even happened.  It's always an interesting conversation. :)

Long story short (which, for anyone who knows me, it's rarely short), I was at my preschooler's open house for his new school year.  All of us parents were crammed into tiny chairs at tiny desks, looking around a bit nervously at the newness of this stage of parenthood.  The teacher talks about parent participation and then asks if someone could volunteer to make the class play dough for Halloween.  Before I knew it, I found my hand shooting up.  I surprised my husband, for sure, and I think even myself a bit.  You see, I'm very uncrafty.  Like cripplingly uncrafty.  Yet, here I was saying I'd make play dough.

Yikes.  Poor kids.

My friend, Chrissy, who was probably crafty in the womb, assured me it would be ok.  And it was.  And I even found myself  enjoying the process and wondering how else I could jazz it up.   And there began Love Bubs Scented Play Dough.

Where did the name come from?

I call my son Bubs.  I love him.  Never said I was a writing genius.

Is the product safe for kids?  What if my child gets it in their mouth?

Love Bubs is completely safe and natural, even if your little one takes a bite.  They probably won't take a second since it's very salty, but it's good to know nothing will hurt them!

What makes Love Bubs different from the commercial doughs I can get?

Well, besides not being made with chemicals, it's long lasting, even if accidentally left out overnight.  Just give it a quick massage and it will spring back to life!

Oh and there's the scents!

Come check out my shop!  Let your little one's imagination soar with all of the yummy scents!


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